High Sierra Rider

Janet Titus and Equine Connections

So You Think You Want a Mustang! REVISITED!

What happens when a horse falls on you.
I have to say that training wild mustangs is not at all straight forward. I have been bitten in the leg by Abba Zaba. I was rinsing him down with water and he decided he had enough and reached down and bit me in the thigh. Not just a little love bite but a big stallion bite. Ouch!!! Then I was riding him in the arena and I was making my circles a little bit smaller and he got tangled up in his feet and went down with me on his back while we were cantering. That was one of my more serious injuries. It felt like my leg was busted in half. He is not a small mustang, I'm thinking maybe 1200 pounds, so I had to take about 5 days off from training and try to let it heel. It's still is not completely better and it's been about three weeks. So the picture that you are looking at is the back of my leg. I wear a tight stocking to help with the swelling. When I got back to riding it made me realize that if you don't have a strong calf then you are going to have a hard time keeping your horse between your legs and reins. So while I was hobbling along an one leg my horse reared up at another horse. I pulled him off the other horse and he came down right on my foot, ouch again. Another trainer at the barn got a little bit too close and was kicked in the thigh, but we are doing fine now and I'll put some riding videos up soon. So if you think you want a mustang you might want to check that your health insurance is up to date. Don't get me wrong, there isn't anything more fun to me than training a mustang, but you have to be crazy, stupid or have a wild streak in you. I have a little bit of all three.



I don't know about crazy and stupid, Janet. I'd say you are passionate and courageous! Can't argue about the wild streak, though. :-)